Legacy Society
An important way you can help bring independence and dignity to people with vision loss is by including CABVI in your estate planning.
For some, this has been a matter of simply including CABVI in their wills. If you already have a will, adding a charity is usually very easy and inexpensive to do. Your lawyer will help you amend your will with a codicil.
You should review your will if you have children or grandchildren, moved, remarried, inherited property or other assets, started a new business, acquired a new property, or seen a substantial change in the value of your estate.
How You Can Participate
You can join the CABVI Legacy Society in the following ways:
- By naming CABVI in your will for a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your net residual estate.
- Note: If you already have a will, an amendment called a codicil should suffice.
Following is sample wording of a codicil:
I give to the Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired of Utica, New York, $_____ or _____% of my net residual estate.
We are deeply grateful to each and every donor for his or her thoughtful commitment to the future financial well-being of CABVI. For more information about the Legacy Society, please contact Steve Gannon, Vice President of Development, at 315-797-2233 or email steveg@cabvi.org.