Tools Help Improve Daily Living for Individuals with Low Vision
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Symptoms include distant or near vision issues and trouble in differentiating colors. It often happens as people age.
“What we’ll do is we’ll ask the patient what they’re having trouble with, what concerns they’re having and see if we can help them with different devices to help them maximize their remaining vision,” said Low Vision Specialist Richard Pascucci.
Pascucci and social worker Dan Phillips work at the Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. According to the National Eye Institute, about 3 million Americans had low vision in 2010. Researchers think that number will nearly double by 2030.
The Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or CABVI, in Utica wants people who have low vision to know there are tools that can help. CABVI has a computer lab in Utica designed specifically for people who have low vision.
“We like to try to assess people’s needs and see what would best fit their goals,” Phillips said. “The technology keeps improving and there are more options available,” Pascucci said.
Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired staff say some eye diseases cannot be prevented but living a healthy lifestyle can benefit your eye health.